The Interim Time is Ending in Renewal

We would know that Renewal is in the air, even if Soul Matters did not share its
theme. It is time to go into the next church year, celebrating this past year, with all
of the planning and joy and anticipation of each year’s transition PLUS a new
minister! Our time together has been a time of transition, with many discoveries
along the way. Let us end our time together well.

I will preach on June 16th , which is also Flower Ceremony. After, at coffee hour,
there will be a cake to celebrate our successful transitional ministry! The
following week, June 23, I will be present at the sanctuary for the service, where
we will all be watching the GA service together.

Many have asked what is next for me. From Reading and serving UU Berks, my
family and I will be moving to Castine, Maine, where I will be serving our UU
Congregation of Castine. It is a homecoming for us, as our family began in Maine.
Kevin will most likely return to public schools and teaching while our young adults
will look at University of Maine to finish up.

As for us, I gratefully thank you for this time as your Interim Minister. Your
congregation’s work with me not only prepared you for next steps, but enriched my
call to ministry as we faced the developmental tasks together. Thank you all for
being open and friendly, trusting, and generous. May your future ministries reap
all of the benefits that you sowed by getting out of your comfort zones during our
time together.

Leaving well is part of the work. I will need to withdraw from daily, consistent
social media contact, like Facebook, and real contact, like texting, with folks at UU
Berks after I go. But I will keep track of your congregation’s successes, and enjoy
seeing you at GA and such! And we have our memories.
Have a great summer and a joyful coming-back-together in the fall. Renewal is
always a theme for those who have a strong sense of community, always changing
and thriving.

In peace
Rev. Amy

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