Songs can have the power to call us to the deepest part of ourselves. To keep our integrity it’s so important to find and re-find that deepest part. Rachel Naomi Remen from her book Kitchen Table Wisdom writes that “Integrity rarely means that we need to add something to ourselves: it is more an undoing than a doing, a freeing ourselves from beliefs we have about who we are and ways we have been persuaded to “fix” ourselves.”
I wonder what your song is that calls you to yourself? For me there are some great ones. There’s one that has a history of finding and refinding that deepest part of Unitarian Universalism for many. Singing the Living Tradition’s “We Would Be One” eventually found its way into our hymnal after it was written for the 1953-54 Continental Convention of Unitarian and Universalist youth by Unitarian minister Samuel Anthony Wright. This was 10 years before the joining of Unitarians and Universalists into Unitarian Universalism but is sooooooooo a song about who we are together as Unitarian Universalists. This is a song that calls us to as Rev Kimberley Debus writes “to keep showing up. A call to work, to learn, to listen, to pray, to sing.” for that high cause of greater understanding of who we are, and what in us is true. May you know your truth, may we listen to each other’s truths. May we hold the truths of how we are together sacred and holy.