Author: UU Berks Office Administrator

Finding Our Center

Happy New Year, everybody! May 2023 and its fresh-slate first month be the timefor finding our center.A ritual I have often led around the New Year is called the Coffin and Cradle. Itwas written by my colleague and friend, Rev. Barbara Child. Her intern, back inthe day, was Rev. Roberta Finkelstein, who taught me the … Continue reading Finding Our Center

take a moment

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director take a moment to attend to your breath follow it in all the way to the center of your being then listen to what it whispers in the ear of your heart on the way out live that

Contemplative Companions – January 2023:

Join us on Sunday 1/8 @ 12:00pm for our first Contemplative Companion session for 2023. We will be meeting in person at church following the service, and some time at coffee hour. Participants are asked to bring a brown bag lunch and an object that represents your current spiritual life.  

Univoice Weekly

If you’d like to come dressed as your favorite character from around that manger, please do so.  We will also be offering  head adornments which help you to determine which “part” you will play in this No-Rehearse Pageant for all ages.

Solar Team Update

Mike M. from the Solar Team presented an update on the project during the Congregational Meeting on Sunday, December 11th. It was generally well received. In keeping with the presentation, we would like to offer follow up detailed presentations and discussions. Please indicate by means of this poll which dates you are available to participate.  The poll will … Continue reading Solar Team Update

Univoice Weekly

The end of the calendar year brings not only the multi-holiday season, but also the tax year’s end.  Charitable giving, as well as ethical shopping for all of those gifts for our beloveds, are on many people’s minds.  How do we practice our values when it comes to our finances? 

Univoice Weekly

Think about a time when making a new friend meant that something changed in your outlook, or your schedule, or a habit or two, simply because of this one person’s presence.  When we widen our circle at church, as in our lives, we are open to all the scary new changes, and the unexpected joys.