Author: UU Berks Office Administrator

Univoice Weekly

What are your deepest intentions? How do you stay true to them? This morning we’ll explore some simple everyday practices to help answer those questions.

Did You Know?

Did you know that registration is no longer required to attend in person service? All you need to do it submit your vaccination card one time to our office where it will be kept on file for you to attend upcoming service and events. Did you know that recordings of past services are available on … Continue reading Did You Know?

Univoice Weekly

Join us this morning as we consider how Dr. King’s example can inspire and guide us in shaping the future. How do we orient ourselves so that we can continue the work of justice, kindness, truth-seeking, and truth-telling? This morning’s music is offered by Kent, Rachel and Megan Gutzler and Dan Matz.

Univoice Weekly

Some folks make New Year’s resolutions, like lose 5 pounds and read more non-fiction. Others think about living with intention, which tends to be more process-oriented, like pay attention and have worthy goals. It means moving out of autopilot and into a meaningful, well-balanced life based on your own conscious choices. And that’s swell, but what about when things are truly falling apart, like they seem to be now? How can we meet this messy life in a way that lets us be awake, wholehearted, and of service?

Feeding Families in Family Promise Program – Jan. 17-26, 2022

Family Promise (FP) has a new ‘apartment shelter’ model for helping families who are experiencing homelessness. Instead of traveling from church to church, families now live temporarily in a house while participating in the program. SIGN UP HERE TO VOLUNTEER Our church has committed to provide meals or groceries to the three families staying at … Continue reading Feeding Families in Family Promise Program – Jan. 17-26, 2022

Food Bank Informational Talk

Please join us after church this Sunday, Jan 9 for a informational talk and Q&A about our monthly food bank with coordinator Brian Kammerer. This is a time to hear about the important work being done by the food bank and explore volunteer possibilities!