Category: From Your Spiritual Director

Spiritual Director Monthly Blog by Nadine J. Smet-Weiss


nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director yesterday was chilly spring it seemed summer might  never  arrive today august  is upon us all too soon the shortness of shortening days undeniable but now now this moment is infinite

in this time

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director in this time of turning as we emerge eager and hesitant to come together once again as if for the first time what old skins  will you have shed what new being will you bear


by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director i have a friend who highly recommends the regular practice of recess most especially for grown ups a play full pause or two during the day for the soul purpose of experiencing the wonder of being embodied

making story

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director history lives through us even stories once silenced eventually emerge into the present like forgotten seeds germinating may we find the courage  to be good tenders of this new arising to embrace it fully flaws and all may we let love lead the way


by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director entangled graces my  doorway for now attending to  my comings and my goings imaging my connection to all that i come from all that i am all that I am becoming day by day moment by moment breath by breath ancient newborn form transforming life  letting go free emerging … Continue reading entangled

commitment is. . .

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director in my head the very definition of commitment is a certain willfulness a hard core determination that come hell or high water i will do whatever it takes to make it happen see it through get the job done fight the good fight unto death until i surrender to … Continue reading commitment is. . .

a practice

by nadine j. smet-weiss, spiritual director live the dream beloved community as daily practice doing rising from the heart   of being inspired and inspiring human wholeness

all that is

by nadine j. smet-weiss all that is was once  imagined the seed of possibility unbroken until  it cracked opened to being we are surrounded by immersed in made of imagination our source our sustenance our solace our strength


nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director stillness just to hear the word takes me there which is  here fully if even for a moment for a breath present to life energy exploding into being