Category: Newsletter

Univoice Weekly

In light of the 275th Anniversary parade taking place this Sunday in Reading and the road closures that go along with that, we will be joining our friends at UU Somerset Hills for service via Zoom.

Univoice Weekly

It is time to admit that summer is over and that the regular school/church year has begun!  Rather than grieve the end of summer, let it be a dance that lifts up and celebrates what our Lifetime Religious Education program will be!

Univoice Weekly

On this day, bring water that is sacred to you to add to the holy water we create through blessing it in community.  Bring whatever you need for your work or school year to be blessed—backpacks, planners, coach whistles….and the third blessing will be for our Ministerial Search Committee, whose task is well underway.

Univoice Weekly

Wear pink and bring your Ken-ergy to this last Sunday of Summer worship services.  Rev. Amy takes us on a journey of memory and appreciation.  P.S.  Sept. 10 is Water Ingathering so collect your sacred offering!

Univoice Weekly

The End of Summer Picnic at Farming Ridge Park  located at the intersection of Farming Ridge Blvd and Ritters rd in Exeter. We will start the day with a worship service at the park, followed by hamburgers and hot dogs. There will also be a basket raffle, so bring some cash for tickets.
RE Kids will be performing the play they have been working on this Summer.