
Service is an important part of living our UU faith. At UU Berks, we have a number of opportunities to serve our community.
Sunday Morning Coffee Crew:
A pillar of our fellowship is our coffee hour following service. Our coffee crews brew coffee, share treats and help with clean up. Coffee crew volunteers generally serve every 6-8 weeks. It is a great opportunity for new comers to meet people and get involved with a minimal time commitment. Email us to join a coffee crew
Religious Education Executive Committee:
Our RE committee meets monthly to envision and design or children and youth Religious Education programs. The RE committee also plan events for our children such as ,UU truck or treat, meet up at the orchard, holiday movie nights and RE pancake breakfasts. For more info email our RE exec committee
Food Pantry:
Since 1997, our church has distributed food to individuals and families in the surrounding neighborhoods. On the third Saturday of the month from 9 am to Noon, church and community volunteers distribute food to individuals and families. An average of 60 families (200 people) each month use the UU Berks Food Pantry, which is part of Helping Harvest, formerly the Greater Berks Food Bank. Emergency food is also provided throughout the month. Contact Mark B., our volunteer Food Pantry Coordinator, at food.pantry@uuberks.org for more information.
Social Justice Committee:
Our Social Justice committee meets monthly to discuss opportunities to live our principle and impact our community. Our Social Justice committees leads or involvement in events that support Immigration rights, Racial and Economic Justice and LGBTQ rights.
For more info email our Social Justice Committee
Worship Tech Team:
Each Sunday a crew of tech volunteers help to keep our zoom services and tech services running smoothly. We are always looking for a few tech savvy individuals to help out. To volunteer email here.
Family Promise:
Since 2010, our church has served as a host congregation in the Family Promise of Berks County hospitality network. We are one of 19 congregations that provide food and shelter for one week, several times a year, to families experiencing homelessness. The families are carefully selected to meet strong criteria for success in the program. Family Promise is unique in that it keeps family units intact, and is the only program accepting single fathers with children. Learn more here.
Contact family.promise@uuberks.org for more information.