Speaker: Rev. Amy DeBeck

Water Communion “Promises”

We come together for our annual tradition of ingathering by coming together to recount the meaning of water in our lives.  Some might bring water from places that have been meaningful, others might use the virtual water on-hand in the sanctuary, and together we draw our summer to a close.  

“Scattered Like Dry Leaves”

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude for our very lives to migrant pickers.  On this Labor Day we learn about some of these vital workers who were erroneously labeled “deportees” several decades ago;  Rev. Amy preaches on the plight of the people who were nameless for so long.

“Back to the Garden”

Joni Mitchell stated in her song, Woodstock, that we are stardust, we are golden, and that we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.  On the anniversary of the Woodstock festival *AND* our blessing of our “backpacks” Rev. Amy asks and explores what that means for us, getting back to the garden.

“What Did you Bring Me?”

When somebody arrives back home they might hear that question.  Rev. Amy unpacks the suitcase (No, really.  Backpack, too.)  with you so that we all see what we will be working on, together in this interim ministry.