Month: January 2020

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: Why Talk About Class? Randy Newnham, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Tracie Greth. When asked about their class background, most people in the United States describe themselves as middle class. Doctors, hourly workers, Ivy League graduates alike do this. Yet our different backgrounds offer different points of view and reference, and among UUs we are often reluctant to share or acknowledge these differences. Today we’ll share stories of class as a way to make space for more ways of being in our faith community.

resilience embedded

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director sitting here with my breath i am reminded of the heart at the heart of each being infinitesimal spark of light hidden in each and every form unfolding through the eons becoming unending appears to falter mystery moves  spark ignites anew life

Contemplative Companions – February 2020

Join us on Monday February 3rd, @ 7:00pm for a time of reflection and sharing about our UU Principles. This is NOT a UU exclusive gathering – all are welcome. Contact Jane Rohrbach ( or Nadine Smet-Weiss ( for further information.

There is a love

In this month where we can be bombarded by conversation hearts and chocolates – I’m reminded that while valentines day can get stuck on one kind of love the ancient Greeks identified 8 different types of love.  I’m also reminded that unconditional love, affectionate love, love of self, familiar love, enduring love, and playful love … Continue reading There is a love

How we hang in there

The word resilience is made from the Latin word re meaning “back” and saliens “the beginning, the starting point, the heart of the thing”.  So to be resilient is to return to the heart of ourselves. That returning?  It’s a journey, a motion. So how do we stay moving and come back to the heart … Continue reading How we hang in there

“Building a Community of Communities” Workshop facilitated by Paula Cole Jones

Sunday, Feb. 23, Noon-2pm Paula Cole Jones will introduce the concept of a Community of Communities and guide us in looking at a new, collaborative way to engage with each other in discussion and decision-making. If we focus on the well-being of Communities, will we develop a more inclusive culture? Are there other ways to engage in … Continue reading “Building a Community of Communities” Workshop facilitated by Paula Cole Jones

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: Creeds, Credos, and Covenants, Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. Unitarian Universalism is non-creedal in its approach to religion. Instead we are covenantal, focusing on relationship in community, and on building individual credos that express our beliefs. This morning the youth group will join in sharing their credos. The monthly share-the-plate collection will benefit The Spectrum, which provides a safe, supportive, and empowering environment for LGBTQ+ youth.


Two homeless families need your help this week. We still need 8 volunteers. Your contribution makes a big difference in the life of Christy, her 5 children and Anna and her 1-yr-old son.  Drop off a meal at 6:15pm: Jan. 25, 26, 28, 29 and Feb. 1  Stay for the evening and enjoy that meal … Continue reading YOU COUNT!!