Month: June 2020

Rev. Sandra’s June Schedule & Availability

Dear Members and Friends,

I will be attending Ministry Days and General Assembly events and programming (virtually) from June 16 through June 28. During Ministry Days for UU clergy, I will be serving on a Covenant Relations Team requiring 15 dedicated hours of service in addition … read more.

ADORE Listening Cafe

Our congregation’s ADORE group (A Dialog On Race and Ethnicity) offers a virtual space this Sunday, June 14 from 11:45-12:45PM via GoogleMeet
Topic: ADORE Listening Cafe
Time: Sun, June 14, 11:45AM

In addition to sharing your diverse responses to the complexities of recent events, we will specifically discuss … read more.

Who do I contact?

If you are in need of a church directory, would like to update your pledge, sign up for Egiving or just have general questions… Please contact our office administrator at

Univoice Weekly

Creating Altars of Justice. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees.This Sunday we are delighted to welcome the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lancaster who will be worshiping with us. Together we will explore creating sacred spaces for ourselves and our families and how to carry that work into the world to create altars of justice.