Month: August 2024

Contemplative Companions

Contemplative Companions will be regathering in October. New and ‘renewed’ participants are welcome! Our October gathering will be held on Sunday October 6th at the Penn State Berks Labyrinth following the service. You are invited to bring a brown bag lunch and may want to bring a lawn chair or blanket for seating. Following lunch/reconnection time, Jane will offer a brief … Continue reading Contemplative Companions

Eat at Isaac’s on Thursday to benefit CROP Walk!

The effort to combat hunger is an essential part of First UU’s social justice mission, which is whywe’re one of the sponsors of the annual Reading-Berks CROP Walk, a fund-raiser for theinternational efforts of Church World Service as well as the Helping Harvest Fresh FoodBank—the supplier for our monthly food pantry. This year’s local CROP … Continue reading Eat at Isaac’s on Thursday to benefit CROP Walk!

A little Back to School Help

Back to school can be an expensive time of year with new clothes, shoes, backpacks and more. A very generous member anonymously donated funds to help anyone struggling to buy school supplies. If you are in need of a little back to school help please contact Melissa at

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: August 4, 2024 This Sunday Rest in the Grace of the World August 4, 2024 at 10:30 am Laura Adamo, Samantha Hiernisen Laura from Kuhn funeral home will be speaking on Green burial–what is it? And what options exist locally? To attend by Zoom, click on this link: (If this is the first time … Continue reading Univoice Weekly