Month: September 2024

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: September 15, 2024 This Sunday Doors Wide Open September 15, 2024 at 10:30 am Rev. John Cullinan Our Soul Matters theme for September is “The Practice of Invitation.” This week, Rev. John looks at the various “doors” through which people enter the church, and wonders what other doors we might … Continue reading Univoice Weekly

Kids Coffee Hour

Our last Kids coffee hour of year is extra special! Make sure to sign up today to share what you’ll bring On Sunday – 9.22.24, all of our kids and youth are invited from 9:30 – 10:15 to help prepare this important part of our community life. From 11:30-12 we will help the time go … Continue reading Kids Coffee Hour

Bag Blessing

On Sunday, Sep 8th we held our annual bag blessing. If you missed it and would like a token to place on your bag as you navigate this world with your Unitarian Universalist faith – please fill out

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: September 8, 2024 Reminders: This Sunday is Water Communion. Please bring a little water from somewhere meaningful to you. This Sunday is also the Blessing of the Backpacks. Remember to bring your backpacks, laptops bags or handbags. This Sunday What Do We See in the Water? September 8, 2024 at … Continue reading Univoice Weekly

Special Plate Nominations Being Accepted

The Special Plate Program aims to promote the well-being of our broader community in a collaborative manner that demonstrates the principle of the sacred interdependent web of all existence and our value of Generosity through the sharing of faith, presence, and resources. In 2023, we donated over $4800 to eight local organizations.At our May Congregational … Continue reading Special Plate Nominations Being Accepted

Invite a Friend to Climate Justice Revival – Sept 28-29

We are one of almost 300 UU congregations who will gather for the first-ever UU Climate Justice Revival: Reimagine Together: From an Extractive Age to a New Era.  We can only manifest what we first imagine together! Even those of us who love Mother Earth or have been environmental activists for a long time start to feel powerless. But, there’s … Continue reading Invite a Friend to Climate Justice Revival – Sept 28-29

Bag Blessing!

this year’s blessing of your bags, your tablets, your stuff that you take out into the world with you is coming up this Sunday. Make sure to bring them with you as you travel to church.