Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Moving in Suspension

For this month of Deep Listening I can’t help but think about suspensions.  In a lot of ways I feel like we are in a time of suspension.  In music a note that’s holding over from a time before and not quite arrived at someplace else.  I’m choosing to name it ‘someplace else’ instead of … Continue reading Moving in Suspension

I am so glad…

This month we’re focusing on what does it mean to be a people of renewal. What does it mean to renew? to begin again? For some of us that might mean to return to school or to begin an art project again after a time away. Beginning again can feel scary – especially when we … Continue reading I am so glad…

A Bubble Meditation

Last month our nursery coordinator, Ms Barb Kolar, shared her home altar on our RE facebook group. On her altar sits a jar of bubbles. Would you join me this month in a bubble meditation?

Striking a Chord

We were perfectly happy with the chord on the left.  It’s easy to play on the piano at least.  That chord is probably one of the first things piano folx learn how to play.    The middle one makes the same chord, same notes but it’s harder.  The middle chord we have to stretch our eyes.  … Continue reading Striking a Chord

Camp Opportunities for Upper Elementary, Middle Schoolers & All Ages

August is often a time when we’re trying to get that last little bit of summer in. Make sure to check these opportunities out that help us have fun, learn and grow together. for Middleschoolers CommUUnity Creek Online Adventure – registration is live! highlights so far (we’re still very much in the planning stages!) … Continue reading Camp Opportunities for Upper Elementary, Middle Schoolers & All Ages

In A World…

For many normally this season is filled with summer blockbusters.  I love a good summer blockbuster.  A fantasy or sci-fi or good old Superhero tale helps me stretch my imagination – suspend my disbelief muscles – and dream.  Last week I attended the General Assembly of the UUA.  Lots of you came to Sunday morning … Continue reading In A World…

Making Sabbath Space through Sound

I started thinking this week – what do I already do and have to create sacred space in my home. I could write about how sacred space comes in through singing a hymn to myself or listening to a playlist. Sabbath space is slightly different though. It’s the act of setting aside time and space for worship, rest and connection.