Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Do You Hear What I Hear?

This month our collective focus at UUBerks is exploring ways in which our times call us to “Open to Joy.”   Certainly the music of this month often resounds with Joy.  A lot of songs tell us to be joyful “Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice Greatly!” Handel wrote.  He also has that lasting ditty “Hallelujah.” There’s more recent … Continue reading Do You Hear What I Hear?

November Outdoor RE Hangout Meetup

We are having our third meetup at Angora Orchard on Nov 21st from 1:30 to 2:30 and would love you to attend! Please signup at the link below so we know how many we will be. Signup closes 11/20 by midnight.

Chalice Lighting for November’s theme of Holding History

Who have you lit your home chalice with? Who will you light it with? Your cat? Your dog? Your loved ones around the table? Robin Slaw, masters level DRE at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Columbia, Maryland; a soul matters congregation, created this chalice lighting to share with us. We hold history when we light … Continue reading Chalice Lighting for November’s theme of Holding History

October Outdoor RE Meetup

We are having our second meetup at Angora Orchard and would love you to attend! Please signup at the link below so we know how many we will be. Signup closes 10/16 by midnight. Join us for a chalice lighting, story and field games designed for the whole family! Make sure to wear playclothes … Continue reading October Outdoor RE Meetup


“Gather the spirit of heart and mind. Seeds for the sowing are laid in store.  Nurtured in love, and conscience refined, with body and spirit united once more.” 

Trust The Good Notes

In this summer of possibility, in this summer where we’re, maybe surprisingly, still in uncharted territory, I encourage you to “follow the good notes.” What resonates with you? What feels right in this moment? What are you holding onto that’s creating a suspension? What are you playing ahead and offering an anticipation of chords and moments to come? What sounds right at this time? Follow the good notes.

Let It Out!

One of my favorite foods to eat is popcorn.  Popcorn from the microwave, popcorn from a stovetop, one of these days I’ll have popcorn from the movie theater again.  Have you ever made popcorn on the stove before? Have you noticed how in the process of making popcorn – the steam needs a place to … Continue reading Let It Out!

Let it be a Dance…!

So I’m hoping that we can play together, that we can dance for a long time. I’d like to ask you to play with me as our hymn #311, written by Ric Masten asks “Let it be a dance we do, may I have this dance with you…”