Univoice Weekly
All of this talk about a search committee and the budget and General Assembly and the annual meeting…..it is time to check in on how our spiritual life is doing as tasks for the transition pick up momentum.
All of this talk about a search committee and the budget and General Assembly and the annual meeting…..it is time to check in on how our spiritual life is doing as tasks for the transition pick up momentum.
Today we honor our mother with the transformative love of the Flower Ceremony and celebrate Earth Day. Bring flowers and take home different ones. Bring a friend, too, to enjoy this meaningful day.
The Eighth Principle Committee invites you to read What Does It Mean to Be White? Developing White Racial Literacy by Robin DiAngelo and then share your reactions to this important work in conversations with others, starting in July. This is an opportunity to build community by telling stories and grappling with societal oppression. We have … Continue reading Would you like to deepen your connection to members of our church community?
Wear your Easter bonnets and be ready to explore what Easter can mean to those of us whose religion is named for 2 Christian doctrines. Note to seasoned UU Berks folks, Flower Ceremony is next week.
Rev. Amy weaves us through a collection of scripture and stories that have inspired people to be resilient.
by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director walkinginto the worldthis dayi electto step softlyupon concreteand asphaltopenbriefdelightfulinteractionswith peoplei passon the streetgraciouslyyieldto driversracing throughred lightsrefusingto braceor hardeni choose aresistancethat seeks toembodylove
Join us on Sunday 4/2 @ 12:00pm for an in person Contemplative Companions session. We will be meeting in person at church after the service (and giving participants some time enjoy coffee hour). Participants are asked to bring a brown bag lunch. For further information contact nadine at njw1258@hotmail.com or 484-333-4015.
March 30 is the birthday of the artist Van Gogh. May we appreciate his legacy and delve into his spirituality this morning.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” (There is argument over who gets the attribution for this quote, but it is a good thought, eloquently stated) Being involved in resistance against evil simply means doing something instead of nothing. Resistance against evil might take some of … Continue reading Resistance is our theme, resilience is our goal
The Helping Harvest Food Bank held at our church on the 3rd Saturday of each month, is tomorrow (Sat., March 18). To prepare, we need to set up a “store” in the Gerber Room with tables and shelves around 8:30 AM. We will receive a delivery truck from Helping Harvest around 9:30 AM, which contains … Continue reading Food Bank