Author: UU Berks Office Administrator

Johnathan Newnham’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor

We have set Sunday June 5 for Johnathan Newnham’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor.  You are all invited!  Please RSVP at this link, which John set up: Time will be 12:30 to 2 pm, with ceremony followed by lunch. The event will be held at our own First Unitarian Universalist Church.  This is where … Continue reading Johnathan Newnham’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Univoice Weekly

The youth group will offer a service about the magical and grounding qualities of circles. Their shape has universal archetypal power, reflected in the sun, the moon, flowers, our eyes, and our cells. Where do we fit in the circle? What does the circle with its no beginning and no end, its center, its unity, beauty, and equality have to teach us as a community?

meeting beauty

by nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director did you rise to meet beauty in the mirror this morning walk out the door to delight  in its blooming all about you find it even in a frowning face enough to smile in return and then delight to discover it was  everywhere present waiting 

Contemplative Companions – May 2nd, 2022

Join us on Monday May 2nd, @ 7:00pm. We will be taking a contemplative pause, as we turn our attention to what is blossoming in our lives. Contact Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information or to receive the zoom link for these gatherings