Go Take a Hike!
RE Exec Team is in the planning phase of our next sponsored camping weekend and we need to hear from you – please visit https://uuberks.org/camp_ask to share your thoughts. Poll will be open until Sunday 30th.
RE Exec Team is in the planning phase of our next sponsored camping weekend and we need to hear from you – please visit https://uuberks.org/camp_ask to share your thoughts. Poll will be open until Sunday 30th.
Meditation offers a way to approach life with greater kindness, confidence, and curiosity in these challenging times. This group is open to anyone interested in meditation, whether you’re a beginner looking for a gentle introduction or a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen and stabilize your practice. Our gatherings will include guided meditation, discussion, and practical … Continue reading Meditation Group Starting Soon
Pat Uribe Lichty invites you to join her in attending an upcoming antiracism practice. Read on below and please email her with your interest. Diverse & Revolutionary UU Multicultural Ministries (DRUUMM) invites you for the next 4 Tuesdays to learn: We know that the work of justice is not only about changing systems but also … Continue reading Aiming for Allyship: Intersectional Antiracism Training 4-Part Series
The Membership and Tech Teams would like to enhance our online worship experience. Your ideas are always welcome at g.membership@uuberks.org. 1. Rev. John will join the Zoom participants for an Online Social Time on the 2nd Sunday of each month, staring March 9 @11:45am. 2. The Zoom room will now open at 10:15am. It will be … Continue reading Sunday Zoom Worship Enhancements
Kids, teens, and caregivers of kids or teens are invited to a special coffee hour in the back of chalice house on March 16th with Rev John & RE staff.
What does it mean to be a voting member of First UU Berks? Come find out on Sunday, April 13th at 11:45 AM in the back of the Chalice House. It’s our small circle class to meet with Rev. John and long-time members. We’ll share highlights of our spiritual journeys then discuss UU values and the benefits of membership at … Continue reading Church Membership Class – Get to Know You and UU
Join us for the FUUBC 2025 Service Auction on Saturday, April 12th! This year’s live auction will be an in-person event, while the silent auction will be hosted online via Auctria, as in previous years. Auction Website: https://uuberks.org/auction We Need Your Donations! The success of our service auction relies on your generous donations. To contribute: Alternative … Continue reading Save the Date! FUUBC 2025 Service Auction – April 12th
While the Trump administration is spending its time facilitating Putin’s war crimes and kicking an allied nation while they’re down—UUSC’s partners are meeting real needs and helping the people most affected to reclaim their human rights. In Ukraine and surrounding countries, our partners are fighting for the rights of Roma people, Black refugees, and other groups … Continue reading The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee’s Efforts to Support Ukraine
March 23rd – April 27: Please join us for 3rd year of connecting children and youth with adults in the congregation! Children and Youth who register for the program will be assigned an adult Pal from the congregation. Over the length of the program, Mystery Pals will send letters to each other, drawings, card, and … Continue reading Mystery Pals Invites You to Join In!
Please bring your gently used clothes to the church between now and March 28th to benefit Hope Rescue Mission and Lighthouse Women’s and Children’s Center here in Reading. We are part of a program of churches, city-wide, through the clothing donation program. These programs provide housing, education and employment resources. Your donations will stay local and help … Continue reading Clean Out those Closets Everybody!!! It’s Time for our Bi-annual Hope Rescue Mission Clothing Drive!