Category: Uncategorized

Go Take a Hike!

RE Exec Team is in the planning phase of our next sponsored camping weekend and we need to hear from you – please visit to share your thoughts. Poll will be open until Sunday 30th.

Share the Plate Ministry – New Coordinator

Katy Bodenhorn is the new coordinator for our Share The Plate ministry. She will organize communications and work with the Champions of our ten organizations. You can reach her at She has already arranged for Greater Reading Immigration Project (GRIP) scholarship’s College Coach Myrna Fuchs to visit our church on March 30th. The schedule of giving … Continue reading Share the Plate Ministry – New Coordinator

SIDE WITH LOVE T-shirts Pre-order

These bright yellow shirts are nationally recognizable when UUs wear them at gatherings. The Membership Committee is submitting a PRE-order. We just need 5 more orders to get a 10% discount. If you’d like a shirt, please email your size to by Sunday night. We’ll collect payment of $25/shirt when you receive it (includes shipping).

A Story About Us

Happy New Year! Our Soul Matters theme for January is “Living Love Through the Practice of Story.” Now, I’m a storyteller at heart, so in some regards this a constant running theme for me. I tend to view a lot of life through the lens of story. Story has great power in the ongoing process … Continue reading A Story About Us

Committee Sunday

It takes a village to run FUUBC, and our committees are the heart of that village. Join us during Coffee hour on January 26th, to explore the different committees and find your place! We’ll have a table with information and sign-up sheets.

Get ready to shine bright!

The American Solar Energy Society’s National Solar Tour is coming up October 4th-6th, both in-person and virtually. This is the nation’s largest grassroots event showcasing solar power, renewable energy, and sustainable living practices. Our church is participating! We’ll be hosting tours on Sunday, October 6th from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM. Help us spread the word … Continue reading Get ready to shine bright!