Tag: music

Monthly Recorder Ensemble begins January 14 for interested musicians

We are hoping to get a regular recorder ensemble started at UU Berks!  The UU recorder ensemble ( 3-10 players) plays music of many different types, focusing primarily on renaissance and baroque music, but includes early classical, folk, and even some modern tunes!  We play soprano, alto, tenor, and bass recorders, but recorders come in many more sizes!

Come Jam With Us

Nov 19th – Bring your instrument, a song you’d like to share and your openness to join in to songs others share.  We’ll play a few all together to start off our hour and then trade songs as we go. Signup at uuberks.org/Jam Or email Félix Peña.

Come sing along with us !

– “To Sing Is To Pray Twice.” – however you pray, however you find your center and connect with something larger than yourself.  Let UUBerks, be a place where we connect through song. 

Let it be a Dance…!

So I’m hoping that we can play together, that we can dance for a long time. I’d like to ask you to play with me as our hymn #311, written by Ric Masten asks “Let it be a dance we do, may I have this dance with you…”