Topic: Awe

Behold That Star

When have you followed your star? Together we’ll explore this question in a lively all-ages celebration of the Christmas story and science.

In awe of our stories

Rev. Sage Olnick During the winter holiday season, we are reminded of tradition and times of the past. We gather together and share stories. We tell stories of important memories, experiences, and life-lessons. This Sunday we will explore what it means to people of Awe who are shaped by the stories of our lives.” 

Opening to Awe

This morning we reflect on the way religious experiences open us to awe and wonder. Our collection is a monthly share-the-plate and will benefit the Literacy Council of Reading-Berks.

The Awe in Nature

Nature fills us with awe. Standing beneath the stars or on the top of a mountain or both can leave us breathless and more alive than we ever imagined possible. Join us as we explore nature’s essential role in our lives and our spiritual community.