Topic: Unitarian Universalism

Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

We’re all connected: an interdependent whole. This worship service which includes a sermon by UUA president Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, explores and celebrates interdependence as fundamental to our Unitarian Universalist identity. Here is the link to the UUA video that we shared during today’s service (“Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny”): . It was … Continue reading Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny

Our Personal Religious Stories

Many UUs come to this tradition from other religious backgrounds, sometimes having rejected the faith community of their childhood. This morning we’ll reflect on the faith of our origins and how it informs our UU identity. What can we get reacquainted with from our spiritual past that might deepen our spiritual lives?

Being Both

What is a Muslim doing working at a church? A question Rev. Sana Saeed received frequently while working at the UU Church of Arlington, VA. Today there are more people identifying as UU Muslim. Join her to explore how we make room for interfaith families and people identifying as multi-religious in our community as we reflect on … Continue reading Being Both