Month: May 2023


Of course June would contain delight. Not only is it the month when we gathertogether for General Assembly, but the weather in most areas is getting luscious.There are the June celebrations of Juneteenth and Father’s Day and PRIDE, plus,for some, graduations and the June wedding.Delight is, in my understanding, a very specific happiness. It is … Continue reading DELIGHT

delight full life

by nadine j. smet-weissspiritual director awakeningto daylightbare toesin beach sanddog kissesgiggling childrenwanderingpine needle pathspassing smiles withpassing strangerssour raisinspoundingocean wavessilence ofstill watersa good cup of coffee

Univoice Weekly

Memorial Day weekend falls within Mental Health Awareness month.  While it is always a fine balancing act to stay on the healthy side of life, grief, trauma, and The Pandemic make it more challenging.  Come and be with your people this morning—you will feel better.

End of Summer Picnic

Mark your calendars now for the End of Summer Picnic on Sunday, August 27th at 12pm at Farming Ridge Park in Exeter. The picnic will begin after the worship service and there will be a basket raffle during the picnic. We will be sharing more information in the Univoice later this summer. We will need help organizing … Continue reading End of Summer Picnic

May ’23 Food Bank

The Helping Harvest Food Bank held at our church on the 3rd Saturday of each month, is on 5/20/23 this month. To prepare, we need to set up a “store” in the Gerber Room with tables and shelves around 8:30 AM. We will receive a delivery truck from Helping Harvest around 9:30 AM, which contains … Continue reading May ’23 Food Bank

Univoice Weekly

This Mother’s Day, we will reflect upon the indigenous belief that there is both feminine and masculine energy in all of us. We will explore how each one of us can bring the qualities of the feminine and our mother energy to the  healing and recreation so desperately needed in our world.

Handprint T-shirt Order

Have you seen our amazing congregation handprint canvas in the Gerber room? Now you can get it on a T-shirt for $20! You can pre-order a shirt for yourself now through May 21st on the order form in the Gerber room- find the shirt and you’ll find the form. Ask an RE volunteer for assistance.

Univoice Weekly

This year our youth have been exploring their personal connections and understandings of our 8 UU principles in Jill Novensky’s All8 curriculum. We invite you to a time of reflection through the process of visual art. What a great way to kick off our month where we ask – What does it mean to be on the path of creativity?