Month: July 2023

Univoice Weekly

UU’s claim, as a primary source, our “direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit, and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life.” Gathered here in the mystery of this Sunday hour, let’s take time to reflect on our experiences of mystery and wonder that have renewed our spirits and opened us to life.

 Contemplative Companions

Contemplative Companions will be taking a summer hiatus in the months of July and August. We will be regathering on Monday 9/11 (note – this is the second Monday due to labor day). If you are interested in learning more about Contemplative Companions, please feel free to reach out to Nadine ( or 484-333-4015) or jane ( or 610-927-6187).  … Continue reading  Contemplative Companions

This is Your Song

“This is your chance! I believe everyone has at least one good song in them. There is spirit waiting to break through in all of us, if we are open to it.”

Univoice Weekly

Our bodies carry us through this life. No matter the situation, body is here with us. Our bodies also have things to tell us. But that invitation to an inner relationship with body can sometimes feel like unexplored wilderness, and certainly vulnerable. This morning we will inquire what it means to inhabit a body, and safely invite body to be known, cherished and celebrated, whatever our historical relationships have been with it. 

Photos from the Reading Pride Festival 2023

This year’s Pride Festival was another success. There was some rain in the early afternoon, but the skies cleared up later in the day. If you were unable to attend, I hope you’ll join us next year! You can find photos from the event here. You’re welcome to download, print, and share them.

Univoice Weekly

This Sunday we share stories about sexual education, and about our religion’s understanding of it, which sometimes sets us apart from the mainstream! Bring a friend and expect prizes as we 
celebrate summer in church!

Univoice Weekly

Come hear what happened in Pittsburgh!  Your delegates and members will report back on what was an important time at the 2023 UUA General Assembly.  We voted on amendments to Article II, and a resolution to divest from fossil fuels as well as affirming the election of Sofia Betancourt to the presidency of our Association for the next six years.  We met for tacos, and witnessed the bridging ceremony of  Jonathan Newnham.   To find out the details of these events and more of 5 days in Pittsburgh.

Our Stories

In July and August, the Soul Matters group encourages us choose our own theme,or even forego the thematic schedule. We decided to have a summer theme, forJuly and August—Our Stories. Even as we welcome guests to the pulpit, storieswill abound. The act of coming together to hear the goings-on of other people,other places, is a … Continue reading Our Stories