Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Chalice lighting for our month of stories

Our chalice lighting for the month is from Robin Shaw. She asks us to remember our stories. As you read or proclaim her words. What story comes up for you? What story do you need to remember? What story do you need to create?

What are you awakening?

We start this month of Becoming off with Easter and each year it is a blessing to hear our trumpeters resound this joyous holiday.  As I grew up in the Unitarian Universalist faith, I always knew the Easter Hymn with Unitarian Transcendentalist, Samuel Longfellow’s, words “Lo, the Earth Awakes Again.”  Those of us who grew … Continue reading What are you awakening?

OWL: Parents & Caregivers as Sexuality Educators

Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley (near Dickinson College in Boiling Springs PA) have graciously invited us to join in their zoom small group learning. Their Director of Lifespan Faith Development will be co-facilitating the course with a parent from their congregation who completed Adult OWL training last year. Many congregations are offering this program … Continue reading OWL: Parents & Caregivers as Sexuality Educators

Are you a Young Adult? (ages 18 to 30s) Do you know someone who’s a Y.A.?

Let me introduce you to Y.A.R.N. ! They are creating a community for UUYAs to get together, a small group ministry program, monthly worship series and leadership calls, CONlines, aka online conferences, Identity groups: Black UUYAs, Countering Oppressions. Y.A.R.N. is for UU young adults ages 18 to 30s in the United States and Canada. You … Continue reading Are you a Young Adult? (ages 18 to 30s) Do you know someone who’s a Y.A.?

Counting on Commitments

Commitment means that we act on what we value and hold important. It’s easy to forget how we act sometimes. One way we can store our commitments is to name them. Name your commitments by drawing them or say them outloud, maybe share them with someone close to you, or write them down. Lighting our … Continue reading Counting on Commitments

Imagination Mondays

This month we get to go on a journey. This journey will be one with infinite possibilities! Where we’ll go is only limited to the limits of our imaginations. Will you go on this journey with me?

Stillness and Silence

When making music, there comes a time to be silent. This can often be confused for stillness. While our voices or instruments may not be ringing – we are listening for the next entrance, we are counting the measures, we are watching the conductor. There is a lot of activity underneath all of that stillness. … Continue reading Stillness and Silence

Gratitude for our Gifts

On Sunday, November 22nd, we heard the an adaptation of Aesop’s tale of The Ant and the Grasshopper. By the end of the story Grasshopper shared his music. Hard working ant shared her labor. Welcoming Ant offered hospitality. We asked those in the worship service to share “what gifts do you have to share in … Continue reading Gratitude for our Gifts