Author: Sandra Fees

Opening to Awe

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Dec. 8, 2019 – Have you ever been in the presence of something vast? Have you ever felt yourself and your own personal concerns become small in the midst of this vastness? If you have had these experiences, you have been opened to awe . . . .

What Does It Mean To Be a People of Integrity

To be a people of integrity is to be a people of wholeness. It is to live into the promises of our faith. And this is exactly what we Unitarian Universalists are striving to be and do. Yet too often our high ideals have been but elusive goals . . . .

Awe: That Ache in the Heart

Our expression “awe” is rooted in the Greek word áchos which also gives us the word ache. That vastness we experience in awe opens an ache in the heart, and by doing so, expands it. from the Dictionary Awe opens that beautiful ache in the heart. It reminds us of the immensity of the universe. … Continue reading Awe: That Ache in the Heart

Check Out Our New Church Website

Check out our new church website. You’ll find current and upcoming worship services, a full calendar of church events, links to a variety of UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association) resources, and much more.

Expectations of Forgiveness

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Sept. 29, 2019 – Forgiveness is a spiritual practice that is taught by the world’s religions. In Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Unitarian Universalism, and other faith traditions, forgiveness is a central tenet of living one’s faith. ….

What It Means To Belong – From Rev. Sandra’s Study

October 2019 – Which invisible lines are you particularly fond of? To whom or what are you most deeply connected? To whom or what do you belong? I am particularly fond of the invisible lines that connect me to friends, family, my partner Christopher, my cat Shadow, my religious community, trees,…

Greater Expectations

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, September 15, 2019 – If you are searching hard for a spiritual practice but not connecting to what makes you feel most alive, then perhaps it’s time to do what you love and discover there what you seek. …

Hidden Good

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, August 25, 2019 – Sensing and seeing the good means tuning in to what has meaning, reawakening to what fuels passion, relationship, and well-being. . . . Finding good is to encounter the depth dimension and wholeness of life. …

A Living Bridge

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, August 18, 2019 – As a community of faith, we . . . are creating living bridges that can connect us side by side, gathering us, harvesting our power. Those bridges allow us to work and learn together, passing our knowledge across the generations. …