Author: UU Berks Office Administrator

Univoice Weekly

December 26 is traditionally known as “Second Christmas.” It is celebrated as Boxing Day and the Feast of St. Stephen. It also marks the beginning of Kwanzaa.

Vote for Special Plate – Deadline extended to Dec. 26th

As discussed at the December Congregational Meeting, the Special Plate Collection process will now support 8 organizations consistently for the next 3 years. This allows our congregation to develop and deepen more supportive relationships with these organizations.It also helps the organizations know they will receive a donation from us for a defined time period. We will … Continue reading Vote for Special Plate – Deadline extended to Dec. 26th

Univoice Weekly

Join us for a festive celebration of the winter holidays with lessons and carols of the season. We will light the fourth Advent candle for love, UU style.

Important Update on Congregational Singing

Important Update on Congregational Singing Beginning Sunday Dec. 19, we will resume congregational singing – masked. We know that music and singing nurture our hearts and minds. In making this decision, we have taken into account the Church’s Covid precautions already in place, which include required vaccination, universal masking, and enhanced ventilation. We do encourage … Continue reading Important Update on Congregational Singing

breath blessing

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director my heart hungers for the sense of fullness found in being  truly alive tempted as i am some days to bury that hunger with the busyness of doing my heart will not be satisfied until i honor breath requesting its blessing upon all my doings

Mark Your Calendars

 Our FUUBC 2022 Service Auction is on Saturday, February19th @ 6 PM.  Following social distancing recommendations, our auction will be conducted fully online like last year.  We will be using the same online auction website to host the silent auction for the week before & after, and Zoom to conduct the live auction on Saturday night. If you would like to volunteer to help or have … Continue reading Mark Your Calendars

Univoice Weekly

The Christmas season is a joyful time, but many of us also come with losses, disappointments, and struggles. How do we open to joy even in the difficult times. We will light the third Advent candle, UU style, and you may view or download the complete UU Berks Advent Candle Wreath lighting 

FUUBC Food Bank Coordinator & Volunteers Needed!

The food bank that FUUBC organizes on the first Thursday morning of every month at the parking lot located on 4th and Cherry street, needs more volunteers, including for the coordinator role. This is a great opportunity to help in our community and engage with people from diverse backgrounds ! Coordinator role – Brian Kammerer needs to step down … Continue reading FUUBC Food Bank Coordinator & Volunteers Needed!