
Rev. John Cullinan
- When Trust is Hard, Lean Into CommunitySoul Matters has given us the theme of “The Practice of Trust” for the month of March. Friends, I have to be honest, my first thought opening up the packet and planning out worship for this month was, “Are they kidding right now?! Have they not seen everything happening?” And then ...

Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
- Parable of The ChoirThere’s a thought I’ve seen a few times on the internet lately – The Parable of the Choir. The Parable of the Choir goes like this: A choir can sing a beautiful note impossibly long because singers can individually drop out to breathe as necessary and the note goes on. Social justice activism should be like ...

Elizabeth “Ebee” Bromley
- Inclusion Affirmations a tool for Liberating LoveHow do we practice liberating love through inclusion? It starts at home. This practice starts with you. Liberating Love starts with Us. On Sunday morning we light a chalice. Do you light a chalice at home? In these days where liberation for so many of us feels quite distant, we need to lean into practices ...

Nadine Smet-Weiss
- trust beingby nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director at heart life is an interweaving of being we can trust with our being the question is can it trust us to be present in our being embodying our values in each moment whatever comes