Speaker: Lauren Fritz

Insights from this Year’s General Assembly

Join us as we bring you feedback about this summer’s UUA General Assembly. We will share insights the meetings and workshops we attended, updates on delegate votes and interesting ideas from our larger UUA community. Come, learn what is happening at this broader level of our faith!

This Mortal Coil

Join Daniel Matz this morning for a service filled with music meditation and stories. Daniel will share more of his experiences in the hospital and his thoughts on the metaphysical. He will lead us in meditation with improvised music with the goal to reduce our collective anxiety. Come on out to a stress-free church service … Continue reading This Mortal Coil

Reframing Aging

Angela Lavery, PhD, LCSW, FT Associate Professor at West Chester University We will be reframing aging, not as a problem or a disease, but as living. When we create age-friendly environments, it benefits everyone’s well-being

Friendsgiving Sunday!

You and yours are warmly invited to share in the joy of a Friendsgiving Service and meal together! Come enjoy Friendsgiving Sunday Service, with songs and messages that comfort and nurture our friendship souls, followed by a wonderful potluck meal.

Of One Inextricable Connection

When we listen to the visionaries of our time, they come back to the central tenant that we must realize we are one – beyond race, beyond caste, beyond opposing viewpoints. Explore this species dependent, inextricable connection with us today.

Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, we will reflect upon the indigenous belief that there is both feminine and masculine energy in all of us. We will explore how each one of us can bring the qualities of the feminine and our mother energy to the  healing and recreation so desperately needed in our world.


Today, from our own church sanctuary, we will consider what “sanctuary” means in our lives.  We all need places of refuge and protection; maybe now more than ever considering the continuous challenges we are being confronted with. What places, people, or practices feel like a sanctuary to you? In what ways are you yourself a … Continue reading Sanctuary