Month: March 2020

Univoice Weekly

Zoom Worship Service Only: A Living Bridge. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. A central task of religious community is to form connections, to create living bridges with and to others. Today we’ll explore the many ways our community builds bridges of understanding, relationship, and justice.

Shut Down Berks Vigil-Cancelled due to Covid-19

The Shut down Berks Vigil originally scheduled for Sunday March 15th has been cancelled. As of now, our next Vigil will take place of April 5th. FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Visit the Shut Down Berks Interfaith Witness Facebook

Can You Help Us “Toward Full Flowering”?

The inspiring reflections that members Dennis Williams and Tonya Wenger have presented over the last month, seeking stewardship campaign commitments for our 2020-2021 fiscal year have motivated many of you to complete your pledge forms! Thank you so much! There are copies of the pledge brochure in the Gerber Room explaining this year’s campaign theme … Continue reading Can You Help Us “Toward Full Flowering”?