Month: March 2020

Resiliency Practices

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Feb. 16, 2020 – Resilience has to do with staying the course in the midst of pain guided by a “remembered radiance.” It has to do with remembering what was good and beautiful, and holding that memory in the heart while moving forward into the future. What are your remembered radiances that are offering you healing and hope?

Toward Full Flowering

Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees, Feb. 9, 2020 – Maya Angelou says, “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” Generosity matters to the full flowering of this congregation and also to the full flowering of your own soul. . . .

Univoice Weekly

Worship Service: The Wisdom of Our True Natures. Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees. Ancient wisdom advises us to listen to our inner voice, the still small voice. When we do, we come closer to our own true nature and learn to honor the wisdom within.