Month: September 2022

Solar Team 

Have you noticed that your electric bill has gone up? The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) authorized the increase in June.  Our church uses Met-Ed and it looks like our bill for August was 86% higher this year than our August 2021 bill for about the … read more.

Univoice Weekly

We come together for our annual tradition of ingathering by coming together to recount the meaning of water in our lives.  Some might bring water from places that have been meaningful, others might use the virtual water on-hand in the sanctuary, and together we draw our summer to a close.

Univoice Weekly

Our nation owes a debt of gratitude for our very lives to migrant pickers.  On this Labor Day we learn about some of these vital workers who were erroneously labeled “deportees” several decades ago;  Rev. Amy preaches on the plight of the people who were nameless for so long.