Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Belonging To One Another

In all that we belong to and in all that we do this church year, may we seek with open minds, may we nurture with loving hearts and may we serve with helping hands. Blessed be and Amen.

RE Registration for 2022-2023

Registration is open now for our program year. We have some exciting things planned and look forward to what will emerge as we seek, nurture and serve together this year! To let us know how you plan to engage with our programs this year please visit. Registered families will receive occasional mailings including birthday … Continue reading RE Registration for 2022-2023

*Backpack* Blessing

We will bless all of the tools for these endeavors and we’ll celebrate Woodstock along the way. * Wear your tie-dye and bring your thing to get blessed

* Things that might get blessed: backpack, musical instrument, planner, to-do list notebook, car keys, coach whistle, camera, stethoscope.

What will you be using regularly with you this year?

Songs for the Journey

Last week, I attended the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries Conference and Songleaders Convergence. It was restorative, regenerative, and reinvigorating. There will be many ways I’ll be sharing what I learned and relearned over the course of those six days with you this year. For now, I’m going to share three poems and song … Continue reading Songs for the Journey

Bless You!

“Many see life’s gifts as blessings from God.  Our faith uses the idea of blessing to refer to something good, something that feels like a gift. Celebrating blessings means remembering with gratitude all the good things in our lives.” – Soul Matters 

Seek Beauty

John O’Donohue writes “One of the huge confusions in our times is to mistake glamor for beauty…” This rings true to me.  Too often we fixate on the glamour of The Louvre or a concert stage.  Not often enough do many of us take the time to create beauty and maybe more importantly celebrate the … Continue reading Seek Beauty

“I was today years old when…”

Another way to put this is “I was today years old when…” captures one way to draw from our first of six UU sources “the sense of wonder we all share.”
What understanding did you wake up to lately?

Practice, An Act Renewing Faith

Think of the first instrument you were ever taught in school.  Was it the recorder for you as well?  Or maybe it was the ukulele.  Remember how slow it was to change between one note or chord to the next.  Remember how awkward you first felt to do something new?  But you kept at it…

Doing Church Together

Reopening to Onsite Religious Education for children Sunday Feb 20th
Expanding Religious Education for adults Sunday Feb 20th
(read on for important details)

Moving in Circles

I have always found a need to create.  I remember wanting my creations to be perfect.  For a while I wanted to work on something until it was “done.”  A circle was not a circle until it was complete.  But what happens if we try to widen that circle?  What happens when we leave a … Continue reading Moving in Circles