Category: From Rev. Amy’s Study

Rev. Amy’s Monthly Blog

Our Stories

In July and August, the Soul Matters group encourages us choose our own theme,or even forego the thematic schedule. We decided to have a summer theme, forJuly and August—Our Stories. Even as we welcome guests to the pulpit, storieswill abound. The act of coming together to hear the goings-on of other people,other places, is a … Continue reading Our Stories


Of course June would contain delight. Not only is it the month when we gathertogether for General Assembly, but the weather in most areas is getting luscious.There are the June celebrations of Juneteenth and Father’s Day and PRIDE, plus,for some, graduations and the June wedding.Delight is, in my understanding, a very specific happiness. It is … Continue reading DELIGHT

May Creativity

Friends, the time for submitting an article has come while I am simultaneouslyparticipating in a weeklong meeting (online) of Interim Ministers AND packing upmy life from Elkhart IN. I hope that you will enjoy this link, or the printed lyricsof my favorite song for May. Recorded by 10000 Maniacs, sung by NatalieMerchant, These are Days.Written … Continue reading May Creativity

Resistance is our theme, resilience is our goal

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  (There is argument over who gets the attribution for this quote, but it is a good thought, eloquently stated) Being involved in resistance against evil simply means doing something instead of nothing.  Resistance against evil might take some of … Continue reading Resistance is our theme, resilience is our goal


Truth can be shared with anybody, and honesty is good.  Most of philosophy involves pondering if Truth is an objective value, or subjective.  People tell THE truth and that is called honesty.  But when people share THEIR truth, expressing their innermost, private truths, well, that is vulnerability. While telling the truth can lead to trouble, … Continue reading Vulnerability


Our theme is love. Even though February is all about hearts and Valentines Day,the love on my mind is not flowery or romantic. The love on my mind is an actionmore than a feeling, and sometimes it looks more like hard work than pleasure.When we say to someone dear, “I love you” it is not … Continue reading Love

Finding Our Center

Happy New Year, everybody! May 2023 and its fresh-slate first month be the timefor finding our center.A ritual I have often led around the New Year is called the Coffin and Cradle. Itwas written by my colleague and friend, Rev. Barbara Child. Her intern, back inthe day, was Rev. Roberta Finkelstein, who taught me the … Continue reading Finding Our Center

In the Interim

by Rev. Amy October’s theme is Courage Growing up unchurched, I knew what spirituality felt like.  But the first time I felt like mine fit into an existing, established way of thinking or believing was when I studied Existentialism.  In the philosophy and practice of existentialism we learn that we are always in a state … Continue reading In the Interim