Category: From Your Director of Religious Education

Religious Director Monthly Blog

Let It Out!

One of my favorite foods to eat is popcorn.  Popcorn from the microwave, popcorn from a stovetop, one of these days I’ll have popcorn from the movie theater again.  Have you ever made popcorn on the stove before? Have you noticed how in the process of making popcorn – the steam needs a place to … Continue reading Let It Out!

Chalice lighting for our month of stories

Our chalice lighting for the month is from Robin Shaw. She asks us to remember our stories. As you read or proclaim her words. What story comes up for you? What story do you need to remember? What story do you need to create?

Counting on Commitments

Commitment means that we act on what we value and hold important. It’s easy to forget how we act sometimes. One way we can store our commitments is to name them. Name your commitments by drawing them or say them outloud, maybe share them with someone close to you, or write them down. Lighting our … Continue reading Counting on Commitments

Imagination Mondays

This month we get to go on a journey. This journey will be one with infinite possibilities! Where we’ll go is only limited to the limits of our imaginations. Will you go on this journey with me?

I am so glad…

This month we’re focusing on what does it mean to be a people of renewal. What does it mean to renew? to begin again? For some of us that might mean to return to school or to begin an art project again after a time away. Beginning again can feel scary – especially when we … Continue reading I am so glad…

A Bubble Meditation

Last month our nursery coordinator, Ms Barb Kolar, shared her home altar on our RE facebook group. On her altar sits a jar of bubbles. Would you join me this month in a bubble meditation?

In A World…

For many normally this season is filled with summer blockbusters.  I love a good summer blockbuster.  A fantasy or sci-fi or good old Superhero tale helps me stretch my imagination – suspend my disbelief muscles – and dream.  Last week I attended the General Assembly of the UUA.  Lots of you came to Sunday morning … Continue reading In A World…

Magical Missives

In May Kent, Ms Erin and I have been sending out postcards to the children and youth at UUBerks. On the picture side they had a coloring sheet. It was a white background and black lines. It was full of possibility. The image for this post is T. Hauk’s creation he filled in with watercolor.

This month we continue to strengthen our connections in new and creative ways. I’m inviting you to enter into a fun and simple spiritual practice that UU religious educator Kimberly Sweeny shared with me. In 2015 Kim started writing letters! MAGICAL letters. The Soulful Home packet explains:


In April I highlighted the #chalicechallenge I hope you had fun making your own chalice or you look forward to making one soon. This month of May we’re exploring how we can become “a People of Thresholds.” And a threshold is just a place between two things. When we pass through a threshold, a doorway … Continue reading #ChaliceOfTheDay