Archives: Services

Annual Church Picnic

Join us for service and fellowship at our annual church picnic. Service will take place at 10:30 followed by a delicious pot luck lunch. The picnic will be held at Farming Ridge Park in Exeter located at 6075 Farming Ridge Blvd, Reading 19606.

The Healing Power of Nature

Join the Contemplative Companions as they explore how spending time in nature brings us back to the present moment, awakens us to awe, and reconnects us to the greater universe. To attend by Zoom, click on this link: (If this is the first timeyou’re using zoom, you may be prompted to download a launcher app). To … Continue reading The Healing Power of Nature

Reflections on GA

Our GA delegates reflect on the experience of General Assembly. To attend by Zoom, click on this link: (If this is the first timeyou’re using zoom, you may be prompted to download a launcher app). To connect by phone (audio only):   1) Dial the phone number: 1-646-558-8656   2) When prompted for the “Meeting ID”, enter: 921 4271 … Continue reading Reflections on GA

Rest in the Grace of the World

Laura from Kuhn funeral home will be speaking on Green burial–what is it? And what options exist locally? To attend by Zoom, click on this link: (If this is the first timeyou’re using zoom, you may be prompted to download a launcher app). To connect by phone (audio only):   1) Dial the phone number: 1-646-558-8656   2) When prompted … Continue reading Rest in the Grace of the World

This Mortal Coil

Join Daniel Matz this morning for a service filled with music meditation and stories. Daniel will share more of his experiences in the hospital and his thoughts on the metaphysical. He will lead us in meditation with improvised music with the goal to reduce our collective anxiety. Come on out to a stress free church … Continue reading This Mortal Coil

Building Community: Stories of Community Ministry

“Join us to learn more about Community Ministry within Unitarian Universalism from Community Minister, Rev Sage Olnick.  She will share stories, inspiration, and insight about our shared ministry in her roles as Healthcare Chaplain and Nursing Educator.”

We Are Earth: the hope we can all create 

Creating Hope will be the focus of our worship service this Sunday. Based upon Joshua Long’s new album We Are Earth, we will explore how our interconnection and interdependence can help us take hope-filled action that will lead to building a sustainable and just world. 

 DRUUMM’s Public Worship

“Choosing Joy!” brings together hundreds of UUs from around the world to hear Rev. Ali C Bell preach and experience the ensemble music led by Saunder Choi. Join us as we broadcast this service in our Sanctuary or view online at the following link Join us as we broadcast this service in our Sanctuary. … Continue reading  DRUUMM’s Public Worship

General Assembly Sunday Worship

Come hang our with Rev Amy as we share some snacks and come together to view the GA Sunday service or view the GA service online at the link below. Embrace the electrifying spirit of the year’s largest UU gathering, where we come together in unity for an awe-inspiring Sunday worship celebration like no other! … Continue reading General Assembly Sunday Worship