Month: June 2021

Contemplative Companions – July 5, 2021

Join us on Monday July 5th, @ 7:00pm for the second of our ‘Contemplative Summer’ sessions. Contemplative Companions will continue to meet monthly via zoom for the summer of 2021, with a relaxed format to mark the lazy days of summer. Contact Nadine Smet-Weiss ( or 484-333-4015) for further information or to receive the zoom … Continue reading Contemplative Companions – July 5, 2021

in this time

nadine j. smet-weiss spiritual director in this time of turning as we emerge eager and hesitant to come together once again as if for the first time what old skins  will you have shed what new being will you bear

Let It Out!

One of my favorite foods to eat is popcorn.  Popcorn from the microwave, popcorn from a stovetop, one of these days I’ll have popcorn from the movie theater again.  Have you ever made popcorn on the stove before? Have you noticed how in the process of making popcorn – the steam needs a place to … Continue reading Let It Out!

Univoice Weekly

Join us for the Sunday morning worship service at NOON at the annual UU General Assembly 2021. The worship service will be available at this link GA Sunday Service. You can also visit which will include both the video itself and a link to the video on YouTube; you can read the full description and see the order of service from this link), and the UUA’s Facebook page.

Univoice Weekly

Weekly News for the week of: June 20, 2021 This Sunday: Let’s Play! June 20, 2021 10:30 am Rev. Dr. Sandra Fees Play is healing – and it’s fun. What better time than the brink of summer to explore this soulful topic in story, song and sharing. For Sunday’s worship, we are using the Zoom … Continue reading Univoice Weekly

Let’s Show Up!

We from FUUBC fly our Pride Flag and “pride” ourselves on our open minds and loving hearts — now we need a few congregants to staff a table at the Pridefest, which is being held in August this year.  There’s very little work involved; it’s basically the ministry of “being there”.Please contact Melissa at if … Continue reading Let’s Show Up!

Volunteer Moderators Needed

The Anti-Hate Summer Reading Program, sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks, the Exeter Community Library, and Bring the Change, is in need of moderators for community conversations about each book.  The program is aimed at tweens, teens and adults, and is funded by the Berks County Community Foundation.  Goals of the reading program are to define and fight … Continue reading Volunteer Moderators Needed