Topic: Resilience

Resiliency Practices

This morning we’ll consider the ways that spiritual practices can help us foster well-being and resilience. How are you practicing self-care, renewing hope and fostering connection? What tools might you add to your resources? Today, we welcome members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Athens-Sheshequin and Cortland to our service.

Building a Community of Communities

Whether we consider faith formation, growth, social justice and/or dismantling white supremacy, Unitarian Universalists could use an identity update. This presentation embraces who we are and challenges who we think we are. Seeing ourselves as a Community of Communities changes our future and it is key to the Beloved Community. Paula Cole Jones is the founder … Continue reading Building a Community of Communities

Resiliency Practices

What are the practices that can help us build resiliency in terms of personal struggle and national or global crisis? Today we’ll share and seek some practical guidance for developing resiliency practices in our daily lives.