Committing the Sin of Empathy
Why do authoritarians fear empathy?
Why do authoritarians fear empathy? Come join us on Music Sunday to tune into the echos of our souls. Hear the music ringing. Trust that through the tempest ’round us roars, we know the truth, it liveth, so long as we listen well enough to hear it. Trust that we can rejoice in our travels so far. Trust that the … Continue reading How Can I Keep From Singing: Building & Bolstering Trust Through Songs of Affirmation Part two of “The Practice of Trust.” Many of our institutions, the church included, have seen a decline in regard and trust from the people they hope to serve. How has this happened? And how can an institution like the church make itself worthy of trust once more?Committing the Sin of Empathy
How Can I Keep From Singing: Building & Bolstering Trust Through Songs of Affirmation
On the Death and Rebirth of Institutional Trust