Category: From your Music Director

Music Director Ebee Bromley Monthly Blog

Songs for the Journey

Last week, I attended the Association for Unitarian Universalist Music Ministries Conference and Songleaders Convergence. It was restorative, regenerative, and reinvigorating. There will be many ways I’ll be sharing what I learned and relearned over the course of those six days with you … read more.

Seek Beauty

John O’Donohue writes “One of the huge confusions in our times is to mistake glamor for beauty…”

This rings true to me.  Too often we fixate on the glamour of The Louvre or a concert stage.  Not often enough do many of us take the time … read more.

Practice, An Act Renewing Faith

Think of the first instrument you were ever taught in school.  Was it the recorder for you as well?  Or maybe it was the ukulele.  Remember how slow it was to change between one note or chord to the next.  Remember how awkward you first felt to do something new?  But you kept at it…

Do You Hear What I Hear?

This month our collective focus at UUBerks is exploring ways in which our times call us to “Open to Joy.”  

Certainly the music of this month often resounds with Joy.  A lot of songs tell us to be joyful “Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice Greatly!” Handel wrote.  He … read more.

Trust The Good Notes

In this summer of possibility, in this summer where we’re, maybe surprisingly, still in uncharted territory, I encourage you to “follow the good notes.” What resonates with you? What feels right in this moment? What are you holding onto that’s creating a suspension? What are you playing ahead and offering an anticipation of chords and moments to come? What sounds right at this time? Follow the good notes.

Let it be a Dance…!

So I’m hoping that we can play together, that we can dance for a long time. I’d like to ask you to play with me as our hymn #311, written by Ric Masten asks “Let it be a dance we do, may I have this dance with you…”

What are you awakening?

We start this month of Becoming off with Easter and each year it is a blessing to hear our trumpeters resound this joyous holiday.  As I grew up in the Unitarian Universalist faith, I always knew the Easter Hymn with Unitarian Transcendentalist, Samuel Longfellow’s, words … read more.

Beloved Community in Song

If you have the teal hymnal at home, you might notice hymn number 1014 was originally published with a name other than “Answering the Call of Love”. You see when Singing The Journey was published the song “Standing on the Side of Love,” was … read more.

Stillness and Silence

When making music, there comes a time to be silent. This can often be confused for stillness. While our voices or instruments may not be ringing – we are listening for the next entrance, we are counting the measures, we are watching the conductor. … read more.

Moving in Suspension

For this month of Deep Listening I can’t help but think about suspensions.  In a lot of ways I feel like we are in a time of suspension.  In music a note that’s holding over from a time before and not quite arrived at someplace … read more.