Author: Elizabeth Bromley

Magical Missives

In May Kent, Ms Erin and I have been sending out postcards to the children and youth at UUBerks. On the picture side they had a coloring sheet. It was a white background and black lines. It was full of possibility. The image for this post is T. Hauk’s creation he filled in with watercolor.

This month we continue to strengthen our connections in new and creative ways. I’m inviting you to enter into a fun and simple spiritual practice that UU religious educator Kimberly Sweeny shared with me. In 2015 Kim started writing letters! MAGICAL letters. The Soulful Home packet explains:

In the Threshold

For the past month each Wednesday night at choir we’ve been ending our gatherings with a chalice lighting and check in.  It’s a verbal threshold that we create together. This moment to light a chalice marks our transition from singing and listening and breathing together to being apart for the week.  We use a song … Continue reading In the Threshold


In April I highlighted the #chalicechallenge I hope you had fun making your own chalice or you look forward to making one soon. This month of May we’re exploring how we can become “a People of Thresholds.” And a threshold is just a place between two things. When we pass through a threshold, a doorway … Continue reading #ChaliceOfTheDay


Many of us might feel stuck right now. We might feel stuck at home. It could be that you feel stuck with different schedules than you’re used to. It could be that you’re stuck with different ways to hang out with friends. One way to free ourselves from feeling stuck is to make a game … Continue reading #ChaliceChallenge

The Wisdom of A Wise Old Owl

A Wise Old Owl
A wise old owl lived in an oak.
The more they saw the less they spoke.
The less they spoke the more they heard.
Why can’t we all be like that wise old bird?

How we hang in there

The word resilience is made from the Latin word re meaning “back” and saliens “the beginning, the starting point, the heart of the thing”.  So to be resilient is to return to the heart of ourselves. That returning?  It’s a journey, a motion. So how do we stay moving and come back to the heart … Continue reading How we hang in there

Making Integrity

To have integrity is to watch how your actions affect you and those around you – is your jenga tower wobbling or is it solid? When do you need to put a piece back? When do you need to pull a piece out and go out on a limb?